Kalo Stems



Kalo Stems allow UH students to connect with career opportunities from several companies. Students will be able to specify their background and aspirations, allowing companies to view students who are the best fit for their opportunity. Kalo Stems bridges the gap between academia and industry, allowing students long-term professional success.


For this project, I developed most of the company attributes. For example, I created pages that allowed companies to make their own profile and show the list of companies that are on our website. I also created the about us page and footer. Other things I did was manage the team in a timely manner to ensure everyone worked on their tasks and review code that needed troubleshooting.

Company Profile

Company List

About Us

Takeaways from this project

This was my first real group project and I learned how difficult it can be to manage your tasks and ensure there’s no conflicts from team members working on the same code as you. I initially thought this was a really fun project but as weeks passed, I learned just how tiring and exhausting creating a website application can be. It taught me how much effort it really takes to get a decently stable application running and how important good communication and team work skills are when making large applications.